The Top Micro Frontend Frameworks of 2024

The Top Micro Frontend Frameworks of 2024

In the year 2024, micro frontend frameworks are set to take the spotlight, offering developers enhanced performance, flexibility, and scalability. A report indicates that the global Microservices Architecture Market is expected to grow from $5.9 billion in 2020 to $21.1 billion by 2025, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 28.3%. This surge is anticipated to be fueled by the adoption of micro frontend architecture in the development of modern web and mobile applications. Let’s delve into the future of frontend development by exploring the top 5 micro frontend frameworks for 2024.

We have also compiled a list of 7 Best Frontend Frameworks 2024:

7 Best Frontend Frameworks for Web Development (2023)

7 Top Micro Frontend Frameworks 2024

  1. Single-SPA framework

  2. Piral Framework

  3. Luigi Framework

  4. OpenComponents Framework

  5. Mosaic Framework

  6. NanoFrame

  7. FusionFront

When it comes to Micro Frontends, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. From clever build-time integrations to customized run-time routers, there are a plethora of techniques that can be employed to create efficient and effective micro frontend architectures. To facilitate the development process, several powerful tools have emerged, each with its own unique set of benefits and features. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most prominent tools available for building micro frontends:

Single-SPA Framework

Single-SPA, or Single Page Application, is a framework that allows developers to build web applications as a collection of micro frontends. It allows developers to use different frameworks and libraries for different parts of the application, making it easier to customize and update the application over time.

How does Single-SPA work?

  • Single-SPA uses a router to determine which micro frontend to load based on the current URL. When the user navigates to a new page, the router determines which micro frontend to load based on the URL path and loads it dynamically.

  • Each micro frontend is a standalone JavaScript application that can be developed and deployed independently. This allows for greater flexibility and agility in development, as each micro frontend, can be updated or modified without affecting the rest of the application.

  • Single-SPA provides a set of lifecycle hooks that allow micro frontends to interact with each other and with the router. For example, a micro frontend can register itself with the router, which allows it to receive notifications when the URL changes.

  • Single-SPA also provides a module loader that allows micro frontends to import and export functionality between each other. This makes it easier to share code and resources between micro frontends, reducing redundancy and improving efficiency.

Some Key Benefits of Single-SPA

Easier to test, update, and maintain application over time

Multiple libraries to save development time

Dynamic loading to reduce load times

Greater flexibility in development

Seamless user experience

Enables horizontal scaling

Easy maintenance

Better agility

Piral Framework

Piral is a powerful open-source framework for building modular, extensible, and scalable web applications. It is designed to support the concept of micro frontends, allowing developers to build web applications as a collection of modular components that can be developed and deployed independently.

How does Piral work?

  • Piral uses a dynamic loading mechanism that allows it to load and unload micro frontends on-demand, improving application performance and reducing load times.

  • It provides a plugin architecture that enables developers to extend and customize the framework’s functionality by writing plugins.

  • Piral allows developers to share dependencies across different micro frontends, reducing the application’s overall size and improving performance.

  • It provides a centralized state management system, which allows developers to manage the application’s state in a single location.

Key Benefits of Piral Framework

Adaptable architecture to handle large-scale micro frontend applications

Facilitate sharing of code and resources across teams

Reduce technical debt and improve code quality

Faster development and deployment cycles

Powerful bundling and caching mechanism

Flexible and extensible API

Luigi Framework

Luigi is “the enterprise-ready micro frontend framework” that helps build modular, extensible, scalable, and consistent UIs and Web Apps. It follows a declarative approach to UI composition, where each micro frontend declares its dependencies on other micro frontends, and the framework takes care of resolving and loading these dependencies.

How does Luigi work?

  • Luigi provides a centralized configuration system that allows developers to easily configure and manage the application’s micro frontends.

  • It offers a powerful routing system that allows developers to navigate between different micro frontends easily.

  • Luigi provides a shared state management system, which allows developers to manage the application’s state in a single location.

Key Benefits of Luigi Framework:

Build highly interactive and responsive UI for better UX

Easy navigation between different micro frontends

Flexibility to meet specific needs of customization

Plugin architecture for functional customization

Easy data sharing across the application

Encourages reusability

On-demand loading

OpenComponents Framework

OpenComponents is a micro frontend framework with lightweight and flexibility for building micro frontend applications that are modular and easy to maintain.

How do OpenComponents work?

  • OpenComponents leverages the Web Component architecture to create independent and reusable micro frontends. Each micro frontend is encapsulated within a custom element, which can be easily reused across multiple applications.

  • It provides a standardized API for micro frontends to communicate with each other, allowing them to share data and state seamlessly. This API ensures that all components are compatible, regardless of the front-end technology used to build them.

  • Moreover, it supports a range of front-end technologies, including React, Vue, Angular, and vanilla JavaScript. This flexibility enables developers to use the technology stack that is most suitable for their application, without compromising on the micro frontend architecture.

Key benefits of OpenComponents Framework

Create independent and reusable micro frontends

Standardized API to communicate with each other

Suitable for a wide range of use cases

On-demand components loading

Easy to collaborate

Mosaic Framework

Mosaic is a revolutionary extension to the renowned Apache Spark framework, designed to tackle the challenges posed by gargantuan geospatial datasets. This cutting-edge technology enables lightning-fast processing of even the most complex geospatial information, opening up a world of possibilities for data-driven organizations.

How does Mosaic work?

  • With a modular and scalable architecture for building micro frontends, which enables teams to build robust and scalable geospatial applications.

  • It allows developers to build components as self-contained microservices, which can be easily integrated with other components to form a complete application. This approach ensures that each micro frontend is responsible for its functionality and is not tightly coupled with other components.

  • Mosaic’s distributed computing model allows micro frontends to be deployed in a scalable and fault-tolerant manner, ensuring that the application can handle large volumes of geospatial data without compromising on performance or reliability.

  • Mosaic’s flexible and modular architecture allows developers to mix and match different components to create custom micro frontends, enabling teams to build applications that are tailored to their specific needs.

  • Mosaic’s open-source nature means that it has a large and active community of developers who are constantly adding new features and functionality to the framework. This ensures that Mosaic is always up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in geospatial data processing.

Key benefits of Mosaic Framework

Reduces the cost and complexity of managing & scale geospatial applications

Supports a wide range of programming languages and libraries

Unified platform for data processing, analysis, and visualization

Distributed computing environment

User-friendly UI


NanoFrame emerging fast as a frontrunner in the micro frontend landscape, bringing unprecedented simplicity and efficiency to web development.

Unique Features:

  • Ultra-Lightweight Architecture: NanoFrame is designed for projects where minimizing payload is crucial. Its ultra-lightweight architecture ensures faster load times and improved performance.

  • Intuitive Component Composition: Developers can seamlessly compose micro frontends with an intuitive component-based approach, enhancing flexibility and maintainability.

  • Effortless Integration: NanoFrame simplifies integration with existing systems, allowing developers to incorporate micro frontends into legacy applications with ease.

Key Benefits:

Enhanced Performance: NanoFrame’s lightweight nature contributes to faster rendering and improved user experience.

Versatile Integration: Developers can leverage NanoFrame across a spectrum of projects, from small-scale applications to enterprise-level systems.

Future-Ready Development: NanoFrame’s adaptability positions developers for future requirements, making it an ideal choice for evolving projects.


FusionFront is making waves as a comprehensive micro frontend framework, offering a fusion of versatility and robust architecture.

Unique Features:

  • Dynamic Component Loading: FusionFront introduces dynamic component loading, allowing applications to load only the necessary components, reducing initial load times.

  • Integrated State Management: A built-in state management system streamlines data flow between micro frontends, promoting cohesion and synchronized updates.

  • Visual Composition Editor: FusionFront introduces a visual editor that simplifies the composition of micro frontends, making it accessible for both developers and designers.

Key Benefits:

Optimized Resource Utilization: FusionFront’s dynamic loading ensures optimal resource utilization, contributing to a more efficient application.

Collaborative Development: The visual composition editor facilitates collaboration between developers and designers, promoting a unified and visually appealing user interface.

Scalable Architecture: FusionFront’s integrated state management and dynamic loading lay the groundwork for scalable and future-proof applications.

7 Best Micro Frontend Frameworks for 2024

Wrap Up

Micro frontends are here to stay! Micro frontends offer a promising solution to this problem, providing a more efficient and manageable way to build complex web applications. As businesses continue to demand faster, more agile web applications, developers need to adopt this new approach. Whether you’re building a small startup or a large enterprise application, with the right tools and approach, you can build web applications that are scalable, maintainable, and most importantly, user-friendly.

Ace Infoway with over two decades of development experience, offers a wide range of services to help businesses achieve their goals of creating agile web applications. Our team of experts is well-versed in utilizing cutting-edge technologies to build customized solutions tailored to your specific business needs. Let us help you take your web development to the next level. Contact us today to get started!